Impossible objects in contemporary artists’ practice

This illustration is created by illustration Oliwia Bober. I saw it in the World Illustration Awards 2019 Exhibition at Somerset House, which got the AOI World Illustration Awards. This project is about the immigrant problem that Bober facing now and connected with Polish folklore. It’s maybe difficult for audiences to identify the specific content of the image at first sight. Because the whole picture is divided into four parts (the top, bottom, left and right part) with totally different perspectives. A large number of impossible cubes organize the structure of the whole image. The themes included in the image are somewhat somber, which is contrasted by the vibrant and colorful aesthetic of the whole image.

屏幕快照 2019-11-21 17.18.06.png    屏幕快照 2019-11-21 17.20.47.png

For example, the picture is divided into a large number of multi-sided chambers, which deliberately ignores perspective when depicting.

屏幕快照 2019-12-10 02.25.15.png

Many stairs with different angles and directions link up each small cubic space, which increases the sense of impossibility.





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